Community Service Project

Click here for the updated Community Service Project Form

The Community Service Project is incredibly fun, easy, and rewarding. A full 10% of your pageant score will be automatically awarded to you when you donate a children’s book, school supplies, or your time to a charity before pageant weekend.

All donations should be made to your local schools, libraries, or charities. Do NOT bring any donations to pageant check-in due to COVID-19. It is so important to learn to be lifelong volunteers to help our
communities, especially during times like these. We trust that you will
donate or serve willingly.

Each year, more than 20,000 children’s books and countless school
supplies are donated nationwide with the help of our amazing NAM State
Finalists! Thank you for helping to make a difference.

You can also share your community service online with your NAMily. Be
sure to use #NAMServes and tag National American Miss in your social
media posts!

Please fill out the Community Service Project form and bring it with you to check in.

Click here for the updated Community Service Project Form